You can contact us here:
Hero Tribe Headquarters:
Sascha Wagener / Camilla Moehle von Hoffmannswaldau GbR
The Hero Tribe
Weisse Taube 15a
44229 Dortmund
But most of the time we are roaming. Somewhere between Asia, Australia, Europe and the rest of this amazing world.
The Hero Tribe GbR
Weisse Taube 15a
44229 Dortmund / Germany
Telefon: 0049 152 04727505
Joseph Campbell, the Hero's Journey & the Hero Tribe
The HERO’S JOURNEY® trademark is used under license from the Joseph Campbell Foundation ( Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey schema from The Hero with a Thousand Faces (New World Library) copyright 2008 by the Joseph Campbell Foundation (, is used with permission.