The World is waiting for You
You are the hero of your magnificent life story. And we are your mentors, your community and your tribe.
Explore the Hero Tribe
- the international experts on the journey of the inner hero.
Thanks to Furkanfdemir, Sharon & Tomaz Barcellos
Get our book
'The Hero's Handbook'
Live your journey of the hero at the Hero Tribe Academy
Attend an unforgettable
Spirit of the Hero Camp
What is the
Hero Tribe?
The Hero Tribe is the leading training and mentorship community based around the concept that you are the hero of your own story.
Our vision is that every soul on this planet can realize their hero's journey - that everyone can be their true unique self and with it contribute to the unfolding of humanity.
It is time to write new stories for your life and for humanity at large. Whether it's your personal life, your relationships, your projects or your business, follow us into the extraordinary world.
The Hero Tribe is based on 3 Pillars -
The Triforce
Any kind of change has to arrive in your body or it won't fully happen. That's why we integrate the physical level into everything we do. That's how you actually live your hero's journey. Learn with us how to use your precious instrument, your body, to become a true master of your life.
Mind & Soul
Everything starts in your mind, your ideas and your stories shape your reality. The universal archetype of the hero that waits in all of us knows how to use his mind to create a better reality and how to follow his soul's plan. In the Hero Tribe you will train your mind, its visionary powers, and your capacity to follow your dreams.
The third pillar of the Hero Tribe ensures that you apply what you have learned. We only really grow through interaction with the outside world, with critical situations, and with other people. The path of the hero also involves letting go of our limitations more and more, opening our hearts, and thereby receiving the connection we seek deep within.
Unlock the hero in your life's story
The hero story you always dreamt of:
Your own
Go on your individual journey with the Hero Tribe
Unleash the power of your Inner Hero
Learn to use the power of the oldest story of humanity for your own life's journey. Discover it with our book, the monthly Tribe Time event, and our other activities.
Attend the ultimate
Come to Hogwards, train with Yoda, but for adults & professionals... Come to the Spirit of the Hero camps.
Turn into the true protagonist of your life in our Academy
Join a league of extraordinary humans in our exquisite academy of self-development & sovereignty.
Become a Hero Mentor and serve the world
Take part in our in-depth training program to be a certified Hero Tribe Mentor and facilitator.
The Spirit of the Hero camps
The ultimate self-empowerment & sovereignty camps
Choose your adventure & self-development camp
The Spirit of the Hero camps are unforgettable retreat experiences where you can discover your true core, your hidden capabilities and your dreams. Choose your camp, hero of your story...
The Hero Tribe Academy
This is the place of your transformation
The Mentorship for your inner & outer hero's path
The Hero Tribe Academy is the place where heroes are led on their way and equipped with everything they need to fulfill their dreams and mission. Here we help you to see and use your full potential and to walk that magical trail that is meant for you. In this process, we become your mentors and support you to clearly see and awake your hero’s journey. Imagine you have a council of Jedi or Shamans who are right at your side, while you step into your extraordinary world. If you feel that pull into a greater life, you can apply for a free Hero Counseling Call with us. We will assess your hero's journey, your blockages, and see how we can support you.
Start Your Journey Right Now:
Apply for your free
Inner Hero Analysis
Apply for a free Inner Hero Analysis and together we will work out your
Call to Adventure - tailored to your individual situation.
Are you called to be of service?
If you want to help others discover their full potential, free themselves from old baggage, and become the hero of their story - discover the first-ever full-spectrum Hero's Mentor Training Program.
Become part of the first guard of new mentors and use this transformative modality as a coach, group facilitator, or in existing education and organizations.
The first of its kind worldwide:
Hero Tribe Mentor Certification
Get ready for the most comprehensive mentoring training we ever put together. Become the guide, community builder and coach for others.
What Participants Say
Feedback from our trainings, mentorships & camps
Camp Participants
Spirit of the Hero Participants
James Hall-Kenney
Hero Tribe Academy Participant /
New Zealand
Giulia Siffu
Hero Tribe Academy Participant /
Brent Bruning
World-renowned hand analyst /
USA & Switzerland
“ So happy about your morning routine and what it has done for my life.
Focus, gratitude, centered.
That is a gift already... ”
Toni Reilly
Best-selling author & Australia’s #1 Regression Specialist
“ I'm so impressed with the work that you do, particularly with The Hero's Handbook, just the way that you empower people to embrace all aspects of life, all aspects of themselves, so that they can be the hero of their own journey in every way, both physically, mentally and emotionally. ”
Emil Clausen
Hotel Manager & Builder /
“ A holistic concept that works!! ”
Rafael Järmann
Health Coach & Nutrition Expert / Switzerland
“ The Hero Camp was amazing! It's a physical, mental and emotional journey to discover more about yourself, connect with wonderful people from around the world and have a lot of fun. The camp offers new and enriching experiences for body, mind and soul. It's challenging and yet accessible to anyone - from complete novice to movement professional. ”
Skye Smith
Yoga Teacher and Graphic Designer / Australia
“ The Qi Gong Course was deeply insightful and gave me a great understanding of how energy and the natural laws of the universe work. Sascha is a patient and kind teacher and holds a depth of knowledge. I feel excited to share what I have learned with others and to continue to practice the techniques to master Qi Gong and all areas of my life. ”
Nina Schmitt
Coach /
“ After the camp I am more calm, centered, balanced, grounded and connected to myself. I am not the same person as I was before. ”
Joseph Campbell & the Hero's Journey
Many influences and traditions shape the teachings of the Hero Tribe. One major influence is the work of Joseph Campbell and his concept of the Hero's Journey.
We feel honored to be a licensee of the Joseph Campbell Foundation.
The HERO’S JOURNEY® trademark is used under license from the Joseph Campbell Foundation ( Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey schema from The Hero with a Thousand Faces (New World Library) copyright 2008 by the Joseph Campbell Foundation (, is used with permission.
Contact Us
Send us a telepathic note or an email
0049 152 04727505
Dortmund, Germany
Its Tribe Time
Join the Hero Tribe's free online gatherings
Register for the Tribe Time list to have access to the live events that take place every first Wednesday of the month.
We will keep your email save! There is no spam where we want to live... And all emails include an unsubscribe link. You may opt-out at any time. See our privacy policy.
The Hero Tribe GbR
Weisse Taube 15a
44229 Dortmund / Germany
Telefon: 0049 152 04727505
Joseph Campbell, the Hero's Journey & the Hero Tribe
The HERO’S JOURNEY® trademark is used under license from the Joseph Campbell Foundation ( Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey schema from The Hero with a Thousand Faces (New World Library) copyright 2008 by the Joseph Campbell Foundation (, is used with permission.